Newcastle Toastmasters Club

Public speaking, confidence and leadership skills in a positive learning environment

Club Meetings

We meet every Thursday through most of the year, aside from the summer break (see the calendar for details).

Arrive at Souths Merewether on Thursdays around 6:45 pm, if possible, for a 7 pm program. Guests can visit for free before joining as members of the club. Walk-in attendance is welcome. Prior registration is encouraged.

Click here for the calendar and registration links.

What you need to know now

See our new page with essential information for all attendees at the Newcastle Toastmasters Club.

Next Session:

Tuesdays, August - September, 2025

Weekly, 7 pm, Souths Merewether

Register Now

See the approximate agenda program for a meeting in a convenient PDF


“I recently completed the Newcastle Toastmasters Club Speechcraft course to try to overcome my fear of public speaking, to try to gain the skills to both further my career goals and to deliver a well-structured and confident wedding speech. Not only was I able to achieve all of these goals through this short course, but I was also able to gain a new passion for public speaking

2024, Nick Ruffin, chiropractor

“Joining the Newcastle Toastmasters Club is one of the best things I have ever done… Public speaking is a lifetime learning journey; everyone needs to give it a try and be the best speaker they can ever be in their lives”.”

2024, Kathy Pang

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Our venue

Our short courses and membership-based meetings are hosted at Souths Merewether.

Souths Merewether is accessible via car parking and public transport.

The venue’s address is 46 Llewellyn St, Merewether, NSW 2291.


Our approach

We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.

Benefits of getting involved with the Newcastle Toastmasters Club

Grow and Gain Confidence

Through public speaking practice and leadership roles, you can develop confidence. Anyone can find their next level of bravery - being shy or outgoing.

Impromptu Speaking Abilities

Learn to talk on the spot in work discussions, networking conversations, interviews and more.

Supportive Community

Members encourage each other. We are all on a journey of continuous learning.

Find Your Leadership Style

Members find their leadership potential within any personality type.

Collaboratively Develop Speeches

Find more perspectives to shape your presentations. Members can help each other to shape techniques.

Find a Personal Brand

Speaking to an audience, we can develop aspects of our personal brands.

Upcoming events

Flick through this calendar to see the club’s major celebrations, competitions and courses.

Plan your Toastmasters journey now.


  • At the Newcastle Toastmasters Club, meetings last around two to two and a half hours. The structured program begins at 7 p.m. We encourage everyone to arrive by 6:45 p.m. to prepare. We aim to conclude structured meetings between 9:15 and 9:30 p.m. Attendees are welcome to stay and chat afterwards.

  • You can contact the club before visiting a meeting. However, we also accept walk-in visits.

  • You don’t need to bring much for meetings. You may benefit from bringing a pen and some paper.

  • Visitors receive an agenda for the meeting, a membership application form and promotional materials.

    Members received agendas, Pathways resources and further resources from the club.

  • Please visit three routine meetings to get familiar. Then complete a membership application form and pay the small fees that contribute to Toastmasters International and costs of maintaining our club.

  • We provide paper copies of agenda programs for meetings. Other relevant supplies are available. Members should contact the Vice President of Education to see what is available when requiring multimedia equipment.

  • Prepared speeches can be focused on any appropriate topic of the speaker’s choice. This is a great way to speak about what you are passionate about, familiar with or working on. Impromptu speech topics are surprises on the night to practice thinking on our feet. They should be achievable and within the speaker’s realistic areas of knowledge.

  • Clubs vary in their requirements and expectations. At the Newcastle Toastmasters Club, we encourage visitors to attend three meetings for free. Then complete the application form, and we can process membership.